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研究 住户脉搏:年底现金结余情况


The 新型冠状病毒肺炎 p和emic resulted in an unprecedented recession that impacted families’ financial positions. 根据12bet官方研究所最近的研究, our Household Finances Pulse leverages de-identified administrative banking data to analyze changes in cash balances during the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 p和emic 和 ongoing recovery.

本新闻稿审查了截至2021年12月底的家庭现金余额的路径, giving us a look at liquid asset trends during the six months of advanced Child Tax Credit (CTC) payments. 相对于之前的版本,我们已经显著地将样本扩展到大约7个.全美500万个家庭(见方框). We compare cash balance trends across the income distribution 和 between families who did 和 did not receive advanced CTC payments.

大流行期间, the federal government provided cash assistance 和 relief to families through a range of fiscal interventions, 包括三轮刺激支出, 扩大失业保险, 抵押贷款和学生贷款债务减免, 先进的CTC. 第一轮经济刺激, 或经济影响支付(EIP), 4月15日开始, 2020, 并交付高达1美元,每位成人200美元,每位符合资格的17岁以下儿童500美元. 在每一轮中,每个孩子获得的刺激资金逐渐增加, 在第二轮刺激计划中,每个孩子最高可达600美元, 最多1美元,第三个孩子400美元.

在此期间, 扩大失业保险,为失业人员提供支付, 包括零工和个体经营者, with a weekly supplement of $600 between March 和 7月 2020 和 $300 during October 2020 和 between January 2021年9月. 截至2021年7月底,已有26个州结束了扩大的失业保险福利, 其余州将于9月5日结束失业救济, 2021.1 此时此刻, 大约三分之二的受助人完全失去了福利, 而三分之一的人只失去了每周300美元的补助.

The American Rescue Plan increased the dollar amount of CTC payments 和 exp和ed eligibility for families in the 2021 fiscal year.2 7月15日, 2021, 第一笔每月预付的CTC付款已交付, paying up to $300 per child under the age of 6 years of age 和 up to $250 per child aged 6 to 17 years. 每月预付的CTC款项将于2021年底到期. 当家庭提交2021财年的纳税申报表时,CTC的剩余部分将到达.

Open questions remain as to the role of liquidity in explaining ongoing labor market 和 spending trends. 例如, some have speculated whether liquid balance boosts could be a contributing factor to why people are not going back to work more quickly. 除了, the expiration of monthly advanced CTC payments as well as potential delays in tax refunds could influence cash balance trends in early 2022.


我们最新的家庭财务脉动数据资产涵盖7个国家.5 million families who were active checking account users between January 2019 和 December 2021 和 had at least $12,在2019年,他们每年将总收入存入大通银行的支票账户, 2020年和2021年. 这个样本比我们最近的脉冲样本1大四倍多.600万个家庭, which used more restrictive measurements of family income 和 account activity for sample inclusion eligibility. Our exp和ed sample shows very similar trends to our prior sample but has slightly lower total incomes 和 slightly higher balance levels.

我们根据家庭2019年的总收入将其分为收入四分位数, 它捕获了所有非转账的支票账户流入. 我们将家庭划分为反恐目标或非目标, 根据在付款的头三个月收到三笔预付货款, 7月, 8月, 2021年9月. 仅在其中一个月或两个月收到CTC付款的家庭被排除在我们的分析之外. 选择不提前付款的家庭属于非目标群体, as are families with dependent children 和 income over the policy threshold of $440K for joint filers 和 $240K for individual filers. 因此,非目标群体中的家庭不一定都没有孩子.


To put our measures of family checking account balances into perspective with other household finance metrics, 有三个重要的考虑要记住. 首先,我们的余额增长数字是根据名义美元计算的,没有经过通胀调整. 考虑到经济中的高通货膨胀率,这一点尤其值得注意——通货膨胀率上升了6%.11月的增长率为8%,是三十年来的最快增速.3

第二个, 下面的图表没有说明大流行之前流动余额的长期上升趋势. 12bet官方研究所的研究表明,在正常时期, checking account balances grew by roughly 11 percent per year among balanced samples of households comparable to the one used here.4 在这个例子中, cash balances in the first two months of 2020 had grown by roughly 7 percent on a year-over-year basis. 因此, 由于这些趋势,2021年的现金余额可能会比2019年的水平增加14- 23%, 独立于流行病和相应的政府干预.

最后,不同家庭群体的资产配置存在显著的异质性. 例如, 2019年消费者财务调查 显示低收入家庭在支票账户中持有更大比例的金融财富. 相应的, they may have maintained a larger proportion of their balance increases from government intervention in their checking accounts, 与高收入家庭相比. 因此, 其他现金余额指标可能在金额或趋势上与我们不同, 基于这些或其他测量差异的.

找到一个: 截至2021年底,各收入阶层的支票账户余额中位数仍处于较高水平, 尤其是对低收入家庭.

在上一轮刺激计划之后,低收入家庭的余额增长迅速耗尽. 而2021年3月的余额比两年前高出约120%, 2021年底的余额比2019年的水平高出约65%, 或者不到1美元,300. Although higher-income families also saw depletions in checking account balances since the last stimulus, 与2019年相比,趋势保持稳定, 到2021年底,仍将保持约30- 35%的增幅. 因此, 即使在高收入家庭中也是如此, cash balances remain elevated over 和 above secular pre-p和emic trends of roughly 7-11 percent per year. 

图1:到2021年底,支票账户余额中位数仍在增长, 低收入家庭只有不到1美元,在他们的支票账户里存了300美元.

图2:2021年底, 低收入家庭的现金余额中位数仍比2019年高出65%. 

发现二: Advanced CTC payments may have helped families with kids maintain elevated cash balances through the end of 2021.

相对于其他家庭, those that received CTC experienced larger increases in checking account balances during each round of stimulus (consistent with larger stimulus checks), 而且他们也更快地花光了增加的余额. Figure 3 shows that CTC-targeted families saw their balances decrease about 44 percent from March 2021 to December 2021, 相比之下,未接受晚期CTC治疗的家庭中只有17%.

与刺激支出相比,CTC支付在金额和范围上都较小, 因此,它们不会导致总体地块的大量现金增长. 然而, 从7月开始预付预付运费, 在以ctc为目标的家庭中,平衡收益的消耗速度减慢了(图4)。. 另一方面,在此期间,非受助家庭的余额收益稳步下降. 2021年底, cash balances among advanced CTC recipients were roughly 60 percent elevated compared to 50 percent among families who did not receive advanced CTC.

图3:每一轮刺激计划中,ctc目标家庭的现金余额都有较大增长, 与非目标家庭相比.

图4:2021年底, cash balances among advanced CTC recipients were roughly 60 percent elevated compared to 50 percent among families who did not receive advanced CTC.

联邦储备委员会. 2019. “消费者财务调查”.“http://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/scfindex.htm

我们感谢我们的研究团队, 特别是爱德华·比格斯和卡罗琳·戈尔曼, 感谢他们的辛勤工作和对这项研究的贡献. 此外,我们感谢斯蒂芬·哈林顿、安娜贝尔·茹阿德和罗伯特·考德威尔的支持. 我们感谢我们的内部合作伙伴和同事, 谁以各种方式支持我们的议程, 并感谢他们对每个和所有版本的贡献.

We are also grateful for the invaluable constructive feedback we received from external experts 和 partners. 我们对他们慷慨的时间、洞察力和支持深表感谢.

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